Good Friday (from the senses pious, holy of the word "good"),[1][2] is a religious holiday observed primarily by Christians commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his death at Calvary. The holiday is observed during Holy Week as part of the Paschal Triduum on the Friday preceding Easter Sunday, and may coincide with the Jewish observance of Passover. It is also known as Holy Friday, Great Friday or Easter Friday,[3] though the latter normally refers to the Friday in Easter week.
Based on the details of the Canonical gospels, the Crucifixion of Jesus was most probably on a Friday (John 19:42).[4] The estimated year of Good Friday is AD 33, by two different groups, and originally as AD 34 by Isaac Newton via the differences between the Biblical and Julian calendars and the crescent of the moon.[5][6][7][8][9][10] A third method, using a completely different astronomical approach based on a lunar Crucifixion darkness and eclipse model (consistent with Apostle Peter's reference to a "moon of blood" in Acts 2:20) points to Friday, 3 April AD 33.[11][12]
Contents1 Biblical accounts2 In the Roman Catholic Church2.1 Day of Fasting2.2 Services on the day2.3 Liturgy2.4 Stations of the Cross2.5 Acts of Reparation to Jesus Christ2.6 Malta2.7 The Philippines3 In Eastern Christianity3.1 Matins of Holy and Great Friday3.2 Royal Hours3.3 Vespers of Holy and Great Friday3.4 Matins of Holy and Great Saturday4 Anglican Communion5 Lutheran Church6 Other Protestant traditions7 Associated customs7.1 Canada7.2 Hong Kong and Macau7.3 United States7.4 Scandinavia7.5 England and Wales7.6 Ireland7.7 France7.8 Germany7.9 South Africa7.10 India7.11 Indonesia7.12 Other8 Calculating the date9 See also9.1 Related days10 Notes and references11 External links
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